EOUS Diamond Pads used in the filming of “Arthur”

EOUS Diamond Pads were used in the filming of “Arthur” that opens on April 8th, starring Russell Brand, Helen Mirren, and Jennifer Garner. Jennifer Garner is an avid Equestrian and the scenes that she is riding they are using our Diamond Pads! These shots are hard to see them in it but look forward to trying to spot them in the movie!!

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The horse is Harbor Mist, known as Mr. T, he is an 11 year old Thoroughbred who is a former race horse that has since been cast as Sonyador in “Dreamer”, in the movies “Temple Grandin” and “Seven Days in Utopia”, and he was also one of the Secretariats in the movie! What a truly versatile horse!

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The trainers pictured are Rex Peterson and Cari Swanson. Thank you Cari for the pictures!!

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